Friday, 30 December 2011


Every child is a genius…….. At TEDxRainier, Patricia Kuhl shares astonishing findings about how babies learn one language over another -- by listening to the humans around them and "taking statistics" on the sounds they need to know. Clever lab experiments (and brain scans) show how 6-month-old babies use sophisticated reasoning to understand their world. This is the core idea behind the talk  “THE LINGUISTIC GENIUS OF BABIES”  by PATRICIA KUHL.  You can access the video at this link

About 10 million people in U.S and many more worldwide are facing blindness due to diseases of retina like mutual degeneration. There are some drug treatments for this but are not effective for a vast majority of the population. There comes the relevance of a prosthetic eye. Using this scientist are trying to generate electrical pulses or ‘codes’ similar to working retina. 

Thursday, 29 December 2011

BACK AGAIN.........................


I had to take a small break from blogging for the past 5 days. But I am back again, this time to share something about a video that I saw from TED talks. Sir asked us to see at least 10 videos in the vacation time and I could start it only today. I opened the TED site and the first video that stroked my eyes was by ANTONIO DAMASIO. “THE QUEST TO UNDERSTAND CONSCIOUSNESS”. Without the ability of consciousness human beings will have no knowledge, no ability to create, no true happiness and much more. It is a total wonder and a total mystery.

What is consciousness????? In simple terms consciousness is what we loose when we go to sleep without dreams or anesthesia. We all have a self or a ‘ME’ in us. A conscious mind is a mind with a self in it. A self introduces a subjective perspective in the mind. We are fully conscious when a self comes to mind. These are few extracts from the talk. If you would like to watch the entire talk, just click on the link here.

Next speak was by KEVIN SLAVIN. Kevin Slavin navigates in the algoworld, the expanding space in our lives that’s determined and run by algorithms. Have you been impressed by the game Facebook’s Parking Wars??? It was developed by Kevin Slavin.

“Kevin Slavin sees a world where games shape life and life shapes games”

O’Rielly Radar

Kevin Slavin argues that we're living in a world designed for -- and increasingly controlled by -- algorithms. In this riveting talk from TED Global, he shows how these complex computer programs determine: espionage tactics, stock prices, movie scripts, and architecture. And he warns that we are writing code we can't understand, with implications we can't control.

Friday, 23 December 2011

LAST CLASS OF 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was the last class of 2011. In fact I didn't realize about this when I came for the class in the morning. We had a totally different day in HPC. During the last two weeks we were getting trained in various subjects which are surely going to be useful in HPC.We went through the basics of discrete math, electronics, micro processors, digital electronics, computation and we had three assignments. To be very frank I had the most engaged two weeks. I was truly enjoying my days. I have the satisfaction of utilizing the semester break for something really useful. I had not been a technical person , in the sense that I will accept everything in its way. After attending the HPC classes, I have developed a quest for gaining  a technical reason for all I come across!!!. This change in me is giving a driving force.....

                                 Eventhough our group is known as HPC group nobody were aware about what actually was CHPC. It was today Sir gave us some basic idea about High Performance Computer. I was thrilled and surprised to know these facts. I cannot stop myself from appreciating Mahesh SIr for his splendid effort!!!! There were so many racks in which many cpu's were placed. These were the workstations. There were two maters which were totally different from the workstations. They divide the tasks among the workstation. Sir took us to the server room and explained about it not in detail because it is quite difficult. We use an Intel XEON processor for the super computer.

                                    The basic concept in CHPC is to parallising. Parallise means to divide the tasks in different nodes. parallising graetly depend on the dependancy.

cannot be paralllosed because the two equations  are dependent. K computers developed by fujistu, japan is the largest super computer in the world today. SIr showed us two videos about the facebbok data center and google data center. We could realise the difficulties encountered while designing a super computer. It is truly a commandable effort.

                                             Multi processor's and Multicores. Multi processor's have different processor's and in multi cores a single chip has many cores.

                                               We had an unexpected gift from Mahesh sir. A CHRISTMAS CAKE. We celebrated christmas in FISAT for the first time. Unni Kartha sir and Justin sir joined our celebrations.

                                              In the afternoon session we had some chit chats. Sir asked us to give feedback about the classes.  We all had just one comment to make that the classes were really worthy and we had so much of fun in FISAT. Sir gave us some works to be done in the holidays. That is a suspense. I'll be updating that in my blogs in the days to follow.

                                                                      HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 22 December 2011


Last day we had our first class on digital electronics and today Sir asked to design some logical circuits based on the facts that we have studied. Unlike the last time we were grouped into 2 with 4 members in each group. We were to solve 3 questions from among the 6 questions.

                             The questions selected by our group were

1. Design a full adder circuit.
2. Design a DFA to accept even number of zeroes.
3. Design a digital circuit to compare two 3 bit input.

                        Full adder circuit was the simplest question. We were to perform the add operation on 3 bit input. We implemented it using XOR and AND. The addition starts with the least significant bit  say z1 and z2 and the carry will be used as the third bit for the next two bits say y1 and y2. Thus it is continued.

                   Next was the comparator.  We consider two inputs A2 A1A0 and B2 B1 B0. To check if A and B were equal all the respective bits shall be equal. For A>B the cases can be:
A2=1 & B2=0
A2=1, B2=1.A1=1, B1=0
A2=1, B2=1, A1=1, B1=1, A0=1, B0=0
If the case is not any of these or A=B then it will be undoubtedly A<B

We implemented this circuit using four XNOR, one OR gate, two AND gates with three inputs, one AND gate with four inputs and one AND gate with two inputs.

                      Next was the circuit of a DFA to accept even number of zeroes. This was the most tiring circuit. We were not aware of the way by which we could give a sequential input and a random input too. Our circuit was found to be working for the ordered input 101010………

                  Even though we had a session on digital electronics as per the schedule of the day Miss didn’t turn up for some reasons and Mahesh Sir talked on some general topics. Sir was curious to know our parent’s opinion regarding the HPC classes.

Yes that was for the day. Had a good day at HPC as usual.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


C Programming………….
                C language is the most powerful and efficient tool used by the programmers all around the globe. It can be considered as a very versatile language available now. The evolution of language is quite interesting. Like primitive men, who started to communicate with symbols people started using the most basic form called machine language to communicate with the system.  But it was quite tiring because the codes were completely written using 0’s and 1’s. Then came the assembly language which was developed to simplify human effort. But assembly language was not so user friendly and then came the era of high level language. It was the development of these HLL’s that made the tasks so easy for human beings. C language was developed for programming UNIX operating system( by  DENNIS RITCHIE at BELL LABORATORIES in the year 1969-1973. C is a general purpose language.
                C has got a well defined syntax. Every programmer shall take care of the syntax.  Once if there is any syntax error in the program then the compiler will detect those errors. Compiler is a program that converts the source code to the object code or machine level language.  Variables are used to represent memory locations, functions etc. They are identifiers and defined by the user according to his needs and requirements. When there is a statement like
The compiler associates ‘X’ with the value 10. When a statement like
Is assigned then Z is directly associated with 10 and hence if the value of x is varied at any other part in the program the value of Z will not be varied. The Wikipedia page on C syntax is linked with.(
                                In machine level language there is no concept of data types. But in C language as every character in the character set is having an equivalent ASCII code there can be a contradiction between the numerical value ( say 97) and the ACSII code of characters( say the ASCII code of ‘a’ is 97). To avoid this difficulty data types were introduced.According to Wikipedia data type is"In computer programming, a data type is a classification identifying one of various types of data, such as floating-pointinteger, or Boolean, that determines the possible values for that type; the operations that can be done on values of that type; the meaning of the data; and the way values of that type can be stored"( There are various data types in C like int,char,float,double . Each of these data types has their own memory requirement.
                                Functions help to modularize the C code. There are various library functions available in various C header files. These functions are like black boxes and the real algorithm behind each of these functions are hidden from the user. I have learned C as a part of my curriculum but then I considered printf() to be a very easy to use function. And hence felt like disagreeing with Sir when he told that printf is the most complicated statement in C. But I realized that my assumptions were wrong when Sir asked to give the output of some printf statements.

                  I was really fascinated by a video of TED about the first artificial bird that fly like a real bird using ultraviolet rays. Markus Fischer led the team at Festo that developed this bird

                   Next up we had a very interesting session by Unni Sir. He helped us to prepare a mind map. It is very common that we have many random ideas in our mind when we think of a particular matter. Mind map is software that helps us to give a structure to our random thoughts. Here we tried to prepare the mind map for “AFTER B.Tech”. We had many ideas in our mind like MS,, PhD, a good job, other courses like MBA, joining defence and so on. Sir could give us a detailed explanation on the possibilities of each idea that we had.
                                Next we had a two hour session on digital electronics. I think it was a too short session because Parvathy miss had been so engaging and she took the classes so impressively. We started with the number systems decimal, binary, hexadecimal, octal. Each of these number systems has their own merits like decimal system is easy to count, binary system is used in machines, hex is having mare number of bits to represent data and so on. Then we went on with Boolean and arithmetic operations. In BOOLEAN ‘+’ is similar to an OR operation
And ‘.’ Is similar to AND operation

Functions could representd as sum of products and products of sums. To identify a function from the causal relation we can use a K- MAP or KARNAUGH MAP. In a K-map we group the bits so as to get the function. Each individual bit is called a literal. Sum of products is like group of AND gates connected by an OR gate and vice versa for POS.  A bubbled OR is a NAND gate and bubbled AND is a NOR gate.
SOP can be represented as NAND NAND gate and POS by a NOR NOR gate.  


Tuesday, 20 December 2011


  This was our second day in a lab. We had one day theory in microprocessor and toady we tried at applying what we have learned in writing programs. As the previous day we were grouped into 4 and each group had two members. We were to do two programs. The questions chosen by my group is given below.

1. Develop a program to convert decimal number to hexadecimal.
2. Find the square root of a number using successive approximation.

          We were able to execute the programs successfully.


1. Set C as 01
2. Set E as 01
3. Set A as 09
4. Subtract A and C
5. Go to step 10 if A=0
6. Increment C by1
7. Increment C by 1
8. Increment E by 1
9. Repeat step 4-8
10. Copy the contents of E to A 
11. Store the value of A to a memory location
12. Stop


1. Set A as 0
2. Set B as 02
3. Set C as 05
4. Set D as 05
5. Set E as 64
6. Go to 10  step if B=A
7. Sum contents of A and E
8. Decrement B by 1
9. Repeat steps 7-8 until B not equal to 0
10. Set the value of E as 0A
11. Go to step 15 if C=A
12. Sum the contents of E and A
13. Decrement C by 1
14. Repeat steps 12-13 until C not equal to 0
15. Sum the contents of D and A
16. Store the contents of A in a memory location
17. Stop


During early period, people tried to express the natural occurrences in terms of the electrical parameters V and I. This was a very tedious process which motivated people to abstraction .The result of this abstraction are the laws of physics. OHMS law and MAXWELL’s laws are the most basic laws of physics. When these laws were abstracted we got the devices and components which led to the design of basic electronic circuits like the amplifier circuits. Basic electronics has two domains – ANALOG and DIGITAL. 555 IC, OP-amps etc belong to analog circuits. In digital electronics the devices have only two states of operation logic 0/logic1, on/off, true/false. Digital circuits are composed of logic gates like AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR.

AND gate
NOR gate
NOT gate
NOT GATE                                                              

In the higher versions of the digital circuits we attempted to control the speed of operation by using trigger or clock pulses. These are called clocked combinational logic. Moving bit more forward, digital circuits were designed to operate based on the instructions provided by a master and they are called instruction based clocked combinational logic. This is the basic idea behind a micro processor. The history of design of the first microprocessor is interesting. INTEL was the monopoly in the field of digital electronics then. BUSICOMM asked Intel to develop a programmable calculator. But the calculator developed by Intel had 12 units to perform the various tasks and was very large in size.  It was then a scientist TEDHOFF who put forth the idea to integrate all this circuits into a single unit. Thus the first microprocessor of its kind was developed and it was named as 4004 processor. Its function was to act as a programmable calculator. The second processor was 8008 and then many more followed.

                     A micro processor is a programmable clock driven register based electronic device which can receive binary digits as input, process binary data according to the instruction given by the master and gives an output in binary form. It is general purpose.

                    Registers are high speed memory cells which are located very close to the processor and hence the access time of such memory cells is very small. But registers are very costly and hence their availability in a system is very limited. There are two types of memory – Dynamic and Static. Usually devices like a capacitor when used they store charge but will discharge after a period of time. Hence these memory cells require constant refreshing and they are called dynamic memory cells. In static there is no need of refreshment. Registers are static memory cells.

                 An 8 bit micro processor kit was exhibited. Bit is the abbreviated form of binary digit. There was a micro processor and other peripheral chips, RAM, input unit, a display etc in the kit. When all this micro processor and other peripheral chips are integrated in a single chip we get a micro controller. Thus a micro controller is a device that is designed to perform a specific task.

The programming model of an 8085 processor is given below. Here the ALU unit is acting as the processor. It performs all the arithmetic and logical operations on the data. It is an 8 bit processor which shows that at a time the processor can perform the operations on 8 bit data. The registers available are program counter, instruction register, temporary register, B, C, D, E, H, and L. When more bit operation is to be performed then registers have to be paired. The pairing is done between BC, DE, and HL.  A PC holds the address of the next instruction to be executed and the IR holds the instruction that is currently getting executed. Group of wires are called BUS. There are three buses called address bus, data bus, and control bus. The bus can be bidirectional or unidirectional. Address bus is unidirectional as even if a read or write operation is to be performed by the processor the address will always be specified by the processor. Data bus is bidirectional and the control bus is unidirectional.       The width of the address bus in an 8085 processor is 16 bits and there can be 2^16 addressable locations. According to the definition available in Wikipedia interrupt is"In computing, an interrupt is an asynchronous signal indicating the need for attention or a synchronous event in software indicating the need for a change in execution ". There are two types of interrupts- vectored and nonvectored. In vectored interrupts the address to which the control to be transferred is pre defined and in the non vectored only processor is aware of the fact that it has to change the control but the location has to be provided by the user.
                        The flow of control in a 8085 processor is like as given below. After reset the address of the first instruction is to be placed in the program counter. This address is placed on the address bus and the processor fetches the instruction from the memory and it will be placed in the IR which will be decoded by the next stage instruction decoder and machine encoding cycle. To activate the required circuit inside the ALU proper trigger signal is to be generated which is done by the oscillator in the timing and control unit. There is a small micro processor and micro memory inside the timing and control unit which will activate the oscillator based on the input from the instruction decoder part. This trigger will activate the appropriate circuit in the processor.

                Addressing mode specify the way in which the data is accessed by the processor. Data can be accessed from the register or memory.
                  Next session we were taken to the micro processor lab. We wrote a code to perform the addition of two numbers, three numbers, n numbers and the output were verified using the 8 bit micro processor kit.
The code to perform addition of two numbers using assembly language code is given below.
LDA 5000
LDA 5001
STA 5000
Here LDA means to copy the contents in 5000 to the accumulator. Using mov command the value in accumulator is moved to a register B.  Then a second operand is accepted into the accumulator. ADD B command causes the contents in A and B to be added and result will be stored in A. STA command causes the result to be moved to an external memory. HLT command is used to end the operation.
The disadvantage of an assembly level language is that it is not user friendly and one has to be aware of the hardware to develop a high efficiency program.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

THEORY........TO......... PRACTICALS.....

Today was a totally different day when compared to the other days. We made an attempt to make a practical approach of what we have learned so far. Sir gave us 8 questions and asked us to solve two questions in groups with two in each group. Each group was to solve two different questions and there should be a question from octave and one from electronics .

                      The questions chosen by my group are given below,
1. Identify the brightest point in an image using octave.
2. Design and implement circuit that will turn on a DC motor in the presence of light source.

                   For finding the brightest point we thought of adding the RGB factor of each pixel and then compare with an initially assigned maximum value. If the sum obtained from a particular pixel is found to be greater than the maximum value then it will be substituted in the max variable. Executing this logic in two loops to navigate through row and column and a third loop to add the RGB factor of each pixel, the brightest point will be obtained. We could, to an extent implement the code and we tried it with two images.  

Next attempt was to design the electronic circuit

We used the circuit given above to make the motor run in the presence of light.
                    Light dependent resistor also called an LDR is a resistor whose resistance value depends on the light falling on it. When the light falls on the resistor its effective resistance decreases and vice versa. We need a high resistance value at the base for better performance of the motor. That was in fact the most challenging part about the circuit. The circuit was wired up properly but the LDR was not seen to get properly activated and hence the motor was not properly seen to be working. 

Saturday, 17 December 2011


Busy schedule for the day started at 7.30.Sir for the first time took us out  of the central computing lab to the hardware lab. The lab is hpc group's workshop. There was everything needed for the experiments in electronics in the lab.

                            Sir started off with the basics. Active and passive components. Active components are those which do not require an external energy source whereas passive components are those which require sources to operate. Resistors are the most basic passive component. Resistors are specific in the way that they have color bands surrounding it. The value of a resistor can be obtained from the following table.

Capacitors are used for storing charges. For high power devices capacitors of larger size and capacitance value are used.

                      Diode is an active device that is used widely in circuits due to its ability to conduct current in unidirection. Diodes have two terminals and depending on the biasing applied to the terminals diode can be forward or reverse biased. Diodes is theoretically said to conduct in the forward biased condition. Light emitting diodes popularly known as LED was used in the circuit with a resistor and voltage power supply to demonstrate its operation.

                 Next up we designed a half wave rectifier that is used to covert an ac into a pulsating dc. DSO or digital storage oscilloscope was used to verify the waveforms. As per the information from Wikipedia -The digital storage oscilloscope, or DSO for short, is now the preferred type for most industrial applications, although simple analog CROs are still used by hobbyists. It replaces the unreliable storage method used in analog storage scopes with digital memory, which can store data as long as required without degradation. It also allows complex processing of the signal by high-speed digital signal processingcircuits.[“1] (


                   Transformers are voltage varying devices. They can either step up or step down the voltage. A transformer is essential in DC power supplies as most of the devices work on small DC voltages. The output of the half wave rectifier shown below has ripples 
or AC components and to remove it capacitor filter is used

                       Transistor is an active device that is used for switching  and amplification. Transistor circuits were really challenging. When the voltage across the transistor is greater than .7V transistor will be closed and it will conduct current. For active mode of operation the emitter junction should be forward biased and the collector junction should be reverse biased. Even though transistors have three terminals a high power transistor is such that its body is acting as the collector. This is enabled to dissipate the heat and usually heat sinks are attached to these transistors. We made a motor run by using a transistor switch. When AC source is used to drive the motor we would expect the motor to vibrate between the ON/OFF state as the source signal is switching between positive and negative cycles. But due to the effect of inertia of rotation and the source being continuous this change over is not really felt.
             Relays are electrically operated switch. Basically it uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. When voltage is applied across the input terminals the coil gets charged and gains the properties of a magnet. There is normally closed and normally open pair of output terminals in a relay. Relays was used to light a bulb . Coupling relays to the secondary of a transformer through a battery, we get a huge voltage at the primary.

                               Next discussion was on the most sought out component of the modern era. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. IC’s changed the face of the world. Thousands of transistors are integrated on to a single chip made of semiconductor substrate. T his helped to reduce the size of mobile phones, computers etc. 78xx series of IC’s are used as voltage regulators. As most of the electronic devices work on 5v DC sources it is essential to reduce the available energy and it can be achieved by just placing 7805 IC.

                  We put forwarded some ideas to  apply for the intel embedded challenge. Some of the ideas were really mind blowing. If these ideas are implemented in the expected way it can solve many problems.

                                          Yes… that was for the day.

Friday, 16 December 2011


     Today had been the most exciting day.Sir motivated us by showing a video about a DRIVERLESS CAR.It felt like people will have wonderful travelling experience with these vehicles. Experienced says that we can trust a machine more than a human being in the driver's seat.Sir then introduced intel embedded challenge and asked us to come up with ideas for the same.
                             In the following session we did some interesting codes in the octave.Ocatve is truly an interesting language.We did octave codes to find the square root of num using normal iteration method,bisection method,Newton Raphson method .
We also developed codes to include functions.It was interesting to write the code to find the square root of all the elements in  matrix and then to return it using functions in all the three cases given above.Next task was to find the maximum of all the members in a matrix.
                            That was it with the normal codes.Next session was fairly new topic for me.THE IMAGE PROCESSING using octaves.Images can be represented as matrices of pixels. The main component of the image is its RGB component.We can do wonderful things with images using very simple logic and algorithm.It was not known to me that the laplace transform that i had studied in my syllabus was widely used to modify an image so as to get its edges marked.

                           The last session was video time.It was worth to watch the video from national geographic "MY BRILLAINT BRAIN".The video travelled through the life the first women grandmaster of chess SUSAN POLGAR.Her life is truly inspirative.She is the greatest evidence for a genius created and not born.She visualizes the chess board and the chunks as fast as a normal human being recogonises the faces!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 15 December 2011


Today had been in fact a busy day when compared to the last two days. We discussed many new and interesting things. The discussions started with Hamiltonian path. Unlike the Euler path this one has a requisite of visiting the entire vertices just once, one at a time. This is similar to the case as travelling salesman problem. There is no hard and fast rule to determine if a path is Hamiltonian or not as Euler path and hence only a trial and error will solve the problem. And hence TSP and Hamiltonian have a complexity other than polynomial time. Algorithms having polynomial time complexity are known as P class algorithms and those which do not have are known as NP class/ Non deterministic algorithms.

                               Data encryption and decryption had been an interesting topic. RSA algorithm is used to for the purpose. Every data transferred across the web is encoded in PRIVATE PUBLIC RELATION. Encryption using public key follows a P class algorithm, decryption using a private key follows a P class algorithm whereas decrypting using a public key follows an NP class algorithm.NP class algorithms have not been solved yet. There is a NP complete set which is a subset of NP class. i.e if we have a solution for any of the NP class algorithms then we can solve all the other problems. This will be a revolution that will change the face of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Yes …we then came to the most interesting part The Machine Design. Alphabets are the basic building blocks just as in any other language. It is represented by epsilon. String of these alphabets forms the language. We did the machine design to accept given set of alphabets and language. When there is only one choice for alphabets from all the states in machine then they are called DETERMINISTIC FINITE STATE AUTOMACHINE and those with multiple choices at any state are NON DETERMINISTIC FINITE STATE MACHINE. In NFA there are many parallel paths to reach the answer. When the power of alphabets increases say for eg: to design a machine with language L= {0n , 1n } simple states will not be sufficient and hence we will have to go for stack. Such machines with additional power of stacks are called PUSH DOWN automata.

                         Next session was about the Octave programming language. Octave language is used for numerical/matrix calculations. We worked out a code to find the square root of a number using bisection method. Next up we attended a session on DATA STREAM ALGORITHM AND APPLICATION by Dr. Naveen  Sivadasan of IIT Hyderabad . It was quite a different topic for me. It deals with the difficulties faced to develop an algorithm to monitor  streams of data exploding through the internet.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


The real show began today.....We, members of the HPC group had our first encounter with a core topic. DISCRETE MATH. A term that has so much facts hidden behind and so much applications all around.Till now i had been studying maths as it was there in the syllabus.I have infact always wondered on where actually i'm going to apply all that i study in my maths classes. But it was truly amazing to know that mathematics is the core of all natural phenomenon!!!!! I was waiting for something that could really interest me when sir came up with the first topic for the day.
                        Continuous and  discrete............ two simple words,  but they can take us long way.When there is a value at all instances of consideration it is said to be  a continuous function.But it is difficult to model a continuous system.Hence we go for a discrete system.In this we choose samples to represent the conditions.According to the discrete system we can represent the states as binary.The number of bits to be used to represent a data is the limitation of a  binary system.For eg: with 6 bits we can only represent 64 different data.

                        Closely associated with discrete system is the propositional logic.I would like to refer it as a game with 0's and 1's.Sir refered to the logic operators AND , OR, NOT when dealing with propositional logic. We made an attempt to solve a real life problem of making the water pumps fully automated.

                         Graph was infact quite new to me.We came across the travelling salesman problem and the towers  of  hanoi .It was truely surprising to know that travelling salesman problem is not solved even today when we are said to be at the peak of advancements.Quite interesting facts right????      For a higher order polynomial it is the highest degree variable that contributes the major share of the result.This way to represent  a polynomial by neglecting the lower order terms is said to be asymptotic notation.Complexity refers to the number of steps taken to complete  a particular task.For instance the algorithm to add 2 matrices has a complexity of n^2.To achieve maximum efficiency the complexity has to be minimized.

                          GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.I cannot stop myself from expressing the magic behind this word. The entire world in just a mouse click!!!!!!!.Sir opened the mysteries(as i would like to call it) hidden within Google  Google maps, Google analystics,Google mail services and what not????????????.I couldn't believe my eyes when sir told us that there is some sort of a bond developed between him and the GOOGLE.
Strange to believe but that actually happens with year long use.

                              Human Body is the most incredible machine in this world, a fact that many of us may hesitate to believe.For those who do not believe i request you to watch a video "THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO HUMAN BODY" telecasted  by the discovery channel.It's truly phenomenal......

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

FIRST STEP...........

Yes.........I made the first step towards my ultimate goal.I'm finally a member of the HPC group.I couldn't believe my eyes and my ears.I remembered our induction day when i first heard of this group.Since then i have been longing for this day to happen.

          First day.......,i remember, many things were going through my mind last night.I was eager to know on waht all will be happening in this group.Mahesh sir gave us the time schedule for the HPC classes when I first realised that i'll be going through something that i have never gone through before.....

       Computer science & engineering.....why didn't i think about this earlier??? engineering is said to be the application of science but it's just computer science branch that has a 'science' associated with it. Our classes in HPC started with this fact.Sir went a long way to explain this to us. He made it a point to talk about basic idea of HPC.  Morning session went on with his lectures and videos in between.It was quite surprising to see that sir has got some amazing video collection with him. Afternoon session was really interesting when for the first time in FISAT ,  I and my friends in HPC saw a movie in full length."OCTOBER SKY" , a movie inspired from a real instance fired a spark of inspiration in me. It helped me to concrete the fact that i have to go all the way shattering all the obstacles to reach my DREAM.After the movie came the real show.I'm here infront of the system to create a blog.Yes my first blog is getting posted right here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!